Quinoa Flakes

Start your mornings with our quinoa flakes, a convenient and nutritious option for gluten-free oatmeal, smoothies, or energy bars.

Green Split Peas

Discover the earthy and satisfying taste of our green split peas, ideal for soups, stews, or as a base for comforting dal.

White Sorghum

Enjoy the mild flavor and gluten-free benefits of our white sorghum, a versatile grain suitable for salads, stews, or as a rice substitute.

Whole Grain Buckwheat

Enjoy the hearty goodness of our whole grain buckwheat, also known as kasha, great for pancakes, groats, or as a nutritious side dish.


Experience the smoky flavor of our freekeh, a roasted green wheat grain, perfect for salads, pilafs, or as a stuffing for vegetables.

Organic Quinoa (Black)

Introduce a dramatic touch to your dishes with our organic black quinoa, an antioxidant-rich grain, ideal for creative salads and grain bowls.

Steel-Cut Oats

Savor the rich and nutty taste of our steel-cut oats, a classic breakfast choice perfect for oatmeal, overnight oats, or savory oat risotto.

Bulgar Wheat

Discover the chewy and nutty flavor of our bulgar wheat, a staple in Middle Eastern cuisine, suitable for salads, tabbouleh, and pilafs.

Organic Spelt

Enjoy the wholesome taste of our organic spelt, an ancient grain suitable for baking bread, muffins, or incorporating into grain salads.


Delight in the chewy texture and earthy flavor of our barley, a versatile grain perfect for soups, stews, or as a side dish.


Discover the light and fluffy texture of our millet, a gluten-free grain ideal for porridge, pilafs, or as a nutritious alternative to rice.


Embrace the ancient grain amaranth, rich in protein and minerals, suitable for porridge, energy bars, or incorporating into baking.

For a customized quotation on the product you desire, don't hesitate to reach out to us. If you can't find the specific item on this page, feel free to request it, and we'll locate it for you at the best price possible.

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